COLICO – A causa di un incidente, la strada statale 36 “del Lago di Como e dello Spluga” è temporaneamente chiusa al traffico in direzione nord all’altezza di Colico al km 86. La circolazione è provvisoriamente deviata in loco sulla viabilità secondaria con uscita
COLICO – A Colico si respira già aria di Natale. L’inaugurazione della pista di pattinaggio su ghiaccio in piazza Garibaldi, lo scorso 30 novembre, ha segnato l’inizio ufficiale delle festività, in contemporanea con l’apertura dei tradizionali Mercatini di Natale, che faranno da cornice alla
COLICO – I militari della Guardia di Finanza, “svolgendo attività di polizia economico-finanziaria in ambito lacuale”, hanno individuato un’imbarcazione da diporto ormeggiata al porto di Colico, che svolgeva attività di “Boat and Breakfast” in modo irregolare. “All’esito dei sopralluoghi effettuati e dei successivi accertamenti
COLICO – La manifestazione odierna in memoria del partigiano premanese Adamo Baruffaldi ha visto la partecipazione di numerose cittadine e cittadini e, in particolare, di insegnanti, studentesse e studenti dell’I.C. Galilei e dell’I.S. Marco Polo. Oltre alla sindaca di Colico Monica Gilardi, al presidente
LECCO – In previsione dello sciopero proclamato da diverse sigle sindacali per la giornata di venerdì 29 novembre, Silea avvisa che potrebbero verificarsi disservizi nelle raccolte dei rifiuti e nei servizi di igiene urbana. Si ricorda che in caso di mancata raccolta, il sacco
PREMANA – L’8 gennaio 2025 si apriranno le iscrizioni alla scuola secondaria per l’anno scolastico 2025/26: per i ragazzi e le famiglie interessati è tempo di visite, di raccolta informazioni, di colloqui e di sperimentazioni nei laboratori per arrivare a chiudere la scelta di
COLICO – La “Fondazione ETS Ludovica Ardenghi-Pippi” di Colico nasce in seno alla famiglia Ardenghi dopo la prematura scomparsa della figlia e sorella Ludovica. La Fondazione nasce nel 2021, per volontà dei familiari, i genitori Roberto, presidente della Fondazione, e Ada con il fratello
COLICO – Procedono a ritmo sostenuto i lavori di Lario Reti Holding per il potenziamento e la distrettualizzazione della rete acquedottistica di Colico iniziati quest’estate. Il mese di novembre ha visto infatti la conclusione dei cantieri delle vie Torri, Chiaro, Stallone, Deserto e Fontanedo,
BELLANO – Sparatoria a Bellano, il ferito in arresto, sequestrate due pistole. Fsp Polizia: “Poteva essere l’ennesima tragedia, grande professionalità dei colleghi”. Dopo una tentata rapina avvenuta in provincia di Sondrio, polizia e carabinieri hanno intercettato un furgone che dalla targa risultava rubato ed
COLICO – Sabato 30 novembre alle 11, in piazza Garibaldi a Colico, il Comitato provinciale di Lecco – Sezione Lario Orientale dell’Anpi ricorderà, nell’80º anniversario della morte, la figura di Adamo Baruffaldi. Nativo di Premana, Baruffaldi venne impiccato nella piazza di Colico dai nazifascisti
LECCO – In tutta Italia dal 16 al 24 novembre si festeggia la settimana di Nati per Leggere per tutelare il diritto alle storie delle bambine e dei bambini. Nata per promuovere la lettura in famiglia in età prescolare, la Settimana coincide con la Giornata Internazionale
LECCO – Anas, società del Gruppo FS Italiane, ricorda che dal 1 novembre al 30 aprile è in vigore l’obbligo di catene a bordo o pneumatici invernali su tutte le strade statali e raccordi autostradali in gestione in Lombardia. Ciclomotori e motocicli sono esenti
COLICO – Comune di Colico e Lions Club Colico hanno organizzato la presentazione del libro “Nel vento dei desideri: Un viaggio nella storia e nell’anima del canoista paralimpico Kwadzo Klokpah”. Venerdì 29 novembre alle 20:45, presso la Biblioteca di Colico, l’autrice Francesca Stucchi dialogherà
COLICO – Questa settimana gli studenti della classe 1ªG dell’indirizzo Agraria, Agroalimentare e Agroindustria dell’istituto superiore “Marco Polo” di Colico hanno raccolto le olive dalle piante sul lungolago di Dervio, accompagnati da due esperti olivicoltori, dagli insegnanti e da alcuni volontari. Nel corso della
LECCO – Il progetto “Giovani radici …restare per crescere” ha ottenuto il massimo finanziamento di 60.000 euro dal bando “La Lombardia è dei Giovani 2024”, promosso dalla Regione Lombardia in collaborazione con ANCI Lombardia. La proposta è stata presentata dalla Comunità Montana Valsassina Valvarrone
COLICO – C’era anche il Coro di voci bianche della scuola “R. Goitre” di Colico alla serata in ricordo del centenario della morte di Giacomo Puccini che si è tenuta lunedì 28 ottobre presso il Teatro Sociale di Sondrio, all’interno della Stagione concertistica 2024-2025.
COLICO – Due ciclisti di 31 e 39 anni sono finiti contro un muro in via Campione, a Colico, domenica sera. I due, di origini straniere, viaggiavano su delle biciclette elettriche e all’origine del doppio incidente si sospetta un malfunzionamento del mezzo. Lo schianto
LECCO – Tappa a Lecco per l’evento itinerante con cui Regione Lombardia premia sui territori le Attività storiche riconosciute nel 2024. Un’iniziativa voluta dall’assessore regionale allo Sviluppo economico, Guido Guidesi, con la collaborazione delle Camere di Commercio e dedicata a negozi, locali e botteghe
COLICO – Incidente intorno alle 14 di oggi, mercoledì 23 ottobre, nella galleria Dorio della SS 36: per cause ancora da chiarire, un’auto si è ribaltata sulla carreggiata; nell’impatto sono stati coinvolti un uomo di 43 anni e due donne di 71 e 72
BARZIO – C’è la fiducia ma ci sono dei distinguo. Questo in sintesi è l’esito dell’elezione della nuova giunta della Comunità Montana, guidata nuovamente dal presidente uscente Fabio Canepari il quale, dopo aver perso le elezioni a Barzio, per rientrare alla Fornace ha ricevuto la delega “esterna” da
Utilizziamo i cookie sul nostro sito web per offrirti una esperienza più interessante, che ricorda le tue preferenze e le pagine già viste. Cliccando su “Impostazioni cookie” puoi scegliere quelli che vuoi mantenere per un consenso sotto controllo. Con 'Accetto' permetti l'uso di TUTTI i cookies
Questo sito utilizza i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza
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Questo sito utilizza i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza durante la navigazione nel sito. Di questi, i cookie classificati come necessari vengono memorizzati nel browser in quanto sono essenziali per il funzionamento delle funzionalità di base del sito web. Utilizziamo anche cookie di terze parti che ci aiutano ad analizzare e capire come utilizzi questo sito web. Questi cookie verranno memorizzati nel tuo browser solo con il tuo consenso. Hai anche la possibilità di disattivare questi cookie. Ma la disattivazione di alcuni di questi cookie potrebbe influire sulla tua esperienza di navigazione.
I cookie necessari sono assolutamente essenziali per il corretto funzionamento del sito web. Questa categoria include solo i cookie che garantiscono le funzionalità di base e le caratteristiche di sicurezza del sito web. Questi cookie non memorizzano alcuna informazione personale.
This cookie is set by websites that run on Windows Azure cloud platform. The cookie is used to affinitize a client to an instance of an Azure Web App.
10 minutes
This cookie is set by the provider This cookie is used for determining whether the user has accepted the cookie consent box.
6 days 3 hours 14 minutes
This cookie is used for authentication and for secure log-in. It registers the log-in information.
1 year
The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement".
1 year
This cookies is set by GDPR Cookie Consent WordPress Plugin. The cookie is used to remember the user consent for the cookies under the category "Analytics".
1 year
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".
1 year
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Others".
1 year
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance".
6 months 2 days
This cookie is set by the provider This cookie is used to check the status whether the user has accepted the cookie consent box. It also helps in not showing the cookie consent box upon re-entry to the website.
1 year
This cookie is used for preventing the installation of third party advertiser or other cookies on the browser.
10 minutes
This cookie is used to assign the user to a specific server, thus to provide a improved and faster server time. It remembers which server had delivered the last page on to the browser. It also helps in load balancing.
I cookie funzionali aiutano a eseguire determinate funzionalità come condividere il contenuto del sito Web su piattaforme di social media, raccogliere feedback e altre funzionalità di terze parti.
1 year
This cookie is set by Rubicon Project and is used for recording cookie consent data.
1 year 1 month
This cookie is set by to enable sharing of links on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter
1 month
This cookie is used to recognize the visitor upon re-entry. This cookie allows to collect information on user behaviour and allows sharing function provided by
1 month
This cookie is used to recognize the visitor upon re-entry. This cookie allows to collect information on user behaviour and allows sharing function provided by
1 month
This cookie is set by This cookie is used for sharing of links on social media platforms.
1 minute
This cookie is used to recognize the visitor upon re-entry. This cookie allows to collect information on user behaviour and allows sharing function provided by
1 year 1 month
This cookie is set by the provider Addthis. This cookie is used for social media sharing tracking service.
1 year 1 month
The cookie is set by Addthis which enables the content of the website to be shared across different networking and social sharing websites.
1 month
This cookie is set by The purpose of the cookie is to check when the cookies were last updated on the browser in order to limit the number of calls to the server-side cookie store.
1 month
This cookie is set by The cookie is used in conjuction with the PugT cookie to track when the server-side cookie store was last updated for the browser.
10 years
This cookie is set by the provider Eventbrite. This cookie is used for the functionality of website chat-box function.
30 minutes
This cookie is set by CloudFlare. The cookie is used to support Cloudflare Bot Management.
I cookie per le prestazioni vengono utilizzati per comprendere e analizzare gli indici di prestazioni chiave del sito Web che aiutano a fornire una migliore esperienza utente per i visitatori.
3 months
This cookie tracks anonymous information on how visitors use the website.
9 months 26 days 1 minute
This cookie is set by Dmxleo.This cookie is used for collecting the information on how the visitors interact with the videos on the website. This information is analysed for making the video content more relevant.
This cookie is used for load balancing and session stickiness. This technical session identifier is required for some website features.
2 days
This is a analytic cookie. This cookie is stored in the computer when creating a google account or logging in inorder to remain connected while the customer visits once again. It is used to improve the user experience by Google. This Cookie is also used by YouTube inorder to visualize their embedded videos.
I cookie analitici vengono utilizzati per capire come i visitatori interagiscono con il sito web. Questi cookie aiutano a fornire informazioni sulle metriche del numero di visitatori, della frequenza di rimbalzo, della sorgente del traffico, ecc.
3 months
This cookie is provided by Tribalfusion. The cookie is used to give a unique number to visitors, and collects data on user behaviour like what page have been visited. This cookie also helps to understand which sale has been generated by as a result of the advertisement served by third party.
1 year
This cookie is used to store information of how a user behaves on multiple websites. This information is them used to customize the relevant ads to be displayed to the users.
1 year
This cookie register a unique ID which identifies the user browser from visiting the webistes. This cookie collects the statistical data of the visitor for serving targeted ads.
7 days
This cookie is used for identifying the visitor browser on re-visit to the website.
16 years 5 months 11 days 8 hours 18 minutes
These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. They register anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback.No sensitive data is collected unless you log in to your google account, in that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click “like” on a video.
1 year 24 days
The domain of this cookie is owned by Rocketfuel. This cookie is used to sync with partner systems to identify the users. This cookie contains partner user IDs and last successful match time.
This cookie is set by the provider Yahoo. This cookie is used for Yahoo conversion tracking.
1 month
This cookie is used for providing and analysing campaings. This cookie regulates the synchronisation of user data and exchange of user data with Pubmatic.
2 years
This domain of this cookie is owned by Vimeo. This cookie is used by vimeo to collect tracking information. It sets a unique ID to embed videos to the website.
10 years
This cookie is used to identify the users. This cookie collects information about how visitors use the website. This information is used for internal analysis and site optimization.
2 years
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors.
1 minute
This cookie is set by Google and is used to distinguish users.
1 day
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form.
1 year 24 days
This cookie is set by Google and stored under the name This cookie is used to track how many times users see a particular advert which helps in measuring the success of the campaign and calculate the revenue generated by the campaign. These cookies can only be read from the domain that it is set on so it will not track any data while browsing through another sites.
I cookie pubblicitari vengono utilizzati per fornire ai visitatori annunci e campagne di marketing pertinenti. Questi cookie tengono traccia dei visitatori sui siti Web e raccolgono informazioni per fornire annunci personalizzati.
No description available.
1 year
This domain of this cookie is owned by agkn. The cookie is used for targeting and advertising purposes.
2 years
This cookie is set by Admixer. The cookie is used to collect visitor behaviour from mutiple websites for serving them with relevant ads based on their preference.
3 months
No description available.
3 months
This cookie helps to categorise the users interest and to create profiles in terms of resales of targeted marketing. This cookie is used to collect user information such as what pages have been viewed on the website for creating profiles.
1 day
This cookie is set by the provider This coookie is used to collect data on visitor preference and behaviour on website inorder to serve them with relevant content and advertisement.
1 year 1 month
This cookie is set by for advertisement purposes.
1 year 1 month
This cookie is set by the provider Bidr. The main purpose is targeting and advertising. This cookie is used to serve the user with relevant advertisement based on real time bidding.
2 years
This cookie is used to identify the visitors on their visits, across devices. It allows the website to show relevant advertisement to visitors.
3 months
This cookie is set by the provider Pubmatic. This cookie is used to serve the visitor with relevant contents and advertisement.
1 year
The cookie is set by CasaleMedia. The cookie is used to collect information about the usage behavior for targeted advertising.
3 months
This cookie is set by Casalemedia and is used for targeted advertisement purposes.
3 months
This cookie is set by Casalemedia and is used for targeted advertisement purposes.
1 day
The cookie is set by CasaleMedia. The cookie is used to collect information about the usage behavior for targeted advertising.
1 year
This cookie is provided by This cookie is used for targeting and advertising purposes.
1 day
This cookie is set by the provider This cookie is used for targeting and advertising purposes.
1 hour
This cookie is setup by This cookie is used by Google to make advertising more engaging to users and are stored under It contains an encrypted unique ID.
1 year
This cookie is used collect information on user behaviour and interaction for serving them with relevant ads and to optimize the website.
1 year
The cookie is set under domain. The purpose of the cookie is to map clicks to other events on the client's website.
1 year
The cookie is set by Adhigh. The cookie is used for ad serving purposes and track user online behaviour. The cookie also stores the number of time the same ad was delivered, it shows the effectiveness of each ad.
1 year
The purpose of the cookie is not known yet.
3 months
This cookies is used to select ads and limit the number of a times a user sees a particular ad. The information stored in the cookies are how times an ad has been shown, how recently an ad has been shown, or how many total ads have been shown.
1 year 1 month
The main purpose of this cookie is targeting and advertising. It is used to create a profile of the user's interest and to show relevant ads on their site. This Cookie is set by DoubleClick which is owned by Google.
1 year 24 days
Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile.
1 year
This cookie is used for advertising purposes.
1 month
This cookie is set by the provider Justpremium. This cookie is used to serve the visitor with relevant contents and advertisement. This is provided by third party advertising hubs which provide real time bidding for advertisers.
3 hours
This cookie is set by the provider Justpremium. This cookie is used to serve the visitor with relevant contents and advertisement. This is provided by third party advertising hubs which provide real time bidding for advertisers.
3 months
The cookie is set by for identifying the visitors' website or device from which they visit PubMatic's partners' website.
1 day
This cookie is set by Pubmatic. This cookie ensures that a PubMatic user ID is already set and that PubMatic’s code is running properly.
1 year
This cookie is set by The cookie is used to store user data in an anonymous form such as the IP address, geographical location, websites visited, and the ads clicked. The purpose of the cookie is to tailor the ads displayed to the users based on the users movement on other site in the same ad network.
1 month
The vendor of this cookie is Pubmatic. This cookie is used for targeting and advertising. It stores the information of the user behaviour including site visited and searches and provide with relevant contents and advertisements.
3 months
This cookie is set by for the purpose of checking if third-party cookies are enabled on the user's website.
1 year
This cookie is set by Lijit Platform. It Enable to help the website's advertising partners make decisions about displaying an advertisement to users. The website stores the ID that each partner uses to identify users and pass that information to the partner when a website requests an advertisement from us.
1 year
This is a Lijit Advertising Platform cookie. The cookie is used for recognizing the browser or device when users return to their site or one of their partner's site.
1 year
This cookie is set under the domain The cookies is used to collect data about the users' visit to the website such as the pages visited. The data is used to create a users' profile in terms of their interest and demographic. This data is used for targeted advertising and marketing.
1 month
This cookie is set by the provider This cookie is used to synchronize data for specific advertisements.
1 year 1 month
This cookie is associated with Quantserve to track anonymously how a user interact with the website.
1 year 1 month
The domain of this cookie is owned by Media Innovation group. This cookie registers a unique ID used to identify a visitor on their revisit inorder to serve them targeted ads.
16 years 6 months
This cookie is used to set an unique ID for the visitor. This helps third party advertisers to serve the visitor with relevant advertisement.
2 years
This cookie is set by This cookie is used for advertising and marketing purpose.
6 months
This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users.
1 year
This cookie is used to store the unique visitor ID which helps in identifying the user on their revisit, to serve retargeted ads to the visitor.
1 year
This cookie is used for serving the retargeted ads to the users. This cookie is used in association with the cookie "ouuid".
1 year 1 month
This cookie is set by the provider This cookie is used for serving the user with relevant content and advertisement.
15 days
The cookie is provided by Openx.This cookie is used for advertising purposes.
3 months
This cookie is set by The cookie stores an ID that is used to display ads on the users' browser.
2 months
The purpose of the cookie is to identify a visitor to serve relevant advertisement.
1 day
This cookie is set by Pubmatic.This cookie is a short-lived cookie that is used to determine if re-pixeling is in progress.
1 year
The cookie is set by The cookie is used to serve relevant ads to the visitor as well as limit the time the visitor sees an and also measure the effectiveness of the campaign.
1 year 24 days
The domain of this cookie is owned by Rocketfuel. The main purpose of this cookie is advertising. This cookie is used to identify an user by an alphanumeric ID. It register the user data like IP, location, visited website, ads clicked etc with this it optimize the ads display based on user behaviour.
Altri cookie non classificati sono quelli che vengono analizzati e non sono ancora stati classificati in una categoria.
No description
1 year
No description
1 year
No description available.
No description
1 year
No description available.
1 year
No description available.
No description
1 year
No description
No description
1 year
No description
1 month
No description
1 year
No description
3 months
No description available.
1 year
No description
1 year
The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional".
1 year
No description
1 hour
No description
1 hour
No description
1 year
No description available.
No description
10 years
No description available.
No description
1 day
No description available.
1 day
No description
1 day
No description
1 day
No description
1 day
No description
3 months
No description available.
1 year
This cookie is set by the provider This cookie is used for storing the visitor's performance and navigation across multiple social media platforms.